You’ve likely heard that diesel engines are ok to idle indefinitely, and that it’s even good for them. Where does this logic come from, and is it true? AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA has the answers.
The truth of the matter is, yes and no. First, let's investigate where this knowledge originates.Back in the day, diesel engines would be kept running for a variety of reasons; a diesel can be difficult to start when cold, can take a long time to warm up, and diesel fuel tends to gel if it gets too cold, which leads to stopping up fuel lines and components. For these reasons, it was often better to leave a diesel engine running than risk the hassle of shutting it off.However, modern diesels operate a little differently, and much more efficiently. It is true that diesel engines use barely any fuel while idling, far less than a gasoline engine. Diesels are durable engines anyway, and a semi driver who lets his engine idle overnight to keep warm can still expect to get hundreds of thousands of miles out of his engine.Even so, idling for extended periods of time isn’t good for your engine. While it isn’t particularly bad for it, there just isn’t much reason to do it; most diesel engines start perfectly fine when cold, warm up in a reasonable time, and don’t have gelling issues. Any time an engine is running, it’s wearing out, and idling isn’t great for efficient combustion or engine lubrication. The tradeoff towards keeping your engine running vs. turning it off, simply doesn’t exist with a modern diesel truck.Whether you drive a Chevy, Ford, or Ram diesel pickup, our technicians have you covered. For the best diesel service shop in Upland, CA, call or stop by AV Automotive Inc, for all your repair and maintenance needs._________________
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