Vehicle Maintenance

  • How do Manual Transmissions Work?

    gear shift with hand on it

    At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we know that transmissions are one of the greatest technological marvels of the automotive world. How does a standard shift transmission work? Why should you care? Our expert technicians here at AV Automotive Inc in Upland have the answers.

  • How Important are Your Drive Belts?

    drive belts

    Your drive belts run everything - your AC, power steering, alternator, and water pump are all dependent on the belts that turn them. At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA, our goal is to keep your truck maintained, so you’re never stuck out on the road. Drive belts are a critical part of that goal.

  • How Much Air Should You Put in Your Tires?

    air pressure guage with mechanic putting air in tires

    Good tire maintenance is important. At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we know how to make tires last, and why it’s important to service them regularly. An easy and effective aspect of tire maintenance is correct air pressure; here’s what you need to know.

  • How often should you get your filters replaced?

    custom filter on a vehicle

    Your car, truck, or SUV is equipped with various filters that keep the air going into your engine clean, the air you breathe in the vehicle, the fuel that supplies your engine, and the oil that keeps it going. How often should you have them replaced? It depends on the filter, the vehicle, and the environment. Here’s what you need to know, from AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA.

  • How Often Should You Rotate Your Tires?

    tire on vehicle

    “Tire rotation” is a term you hear frequently in the realm of vehicle maintenance, but what does it actually mean? How often should you have it done? AV Automotive Inc in Upland has the answers you’re looking for.

  • How to Avoid Risks with Your Vehicle

    mechanic working on a vehicle

    At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we understand that big trucks mean bigger risk on the road. Here are some tips to remember, to reduce the likelihood of an accident resulting in large repair costs next time you're on the job.

  • How to Fix Foggy or Cloudy Headlights

    headlight of car

    Foggy headlights are a problem that has arisen in the past couple of decades, as we have moved away from glass sealed beam bulbs and into an era of plastic lenses with bulbs inside. While modern headlights are superior to the sealed beam headlights of years ago, they do tend to fog up after years of use. It’s a good trade for far better illumination and easier replacement, but an issue nonetheless. Hours and hours of heat, sunlight, and age eventually cause them to cloud up, which can reduce visibility at night in addition to worsening the appearance of your car, truck, or SUV. From AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA, here are some tips on taking care of your foggy or cloudy headlight issue.

  • How To Get More Miles Per Gallon

    gas tanks

    At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, efficiency is a concept that interests us. While your fuel economy is largely dependent on what kind of car, truck, or SUV you drive, there are a variety of tips and tricks to get the most bang for your buck. We’ve provided a few of our favorites here.

  • How to get the most out of your tires


    Tires are often neglected, but easy to maintain. As long as they work, most people don’t really think about them. However, if you take care to properly maintain your vehicle and your tires, they will last much, much longer. At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we see all too often the results of poor tire maintenance, and the result is expensive new tires. Here’s what you can do to make sure you don’t become part of that statistic.

  • How to Make Your Clutch Last Longer

    shifter on vehicle

    If you drive a vehicle with a manual transmission, you know that clutch replacement can be an expensive and time-consuming job. AV Automotive Inc in Upland has some tips to keep your clutch replacements as infrequent as possible.

  • How To Retain Your Car’s Resale Value

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    If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, there are important points to remember in preserving not only your car or SUV, but it's resale value as well. Luxury and performance vehicles depreciate more quickly than other cars. Many who own these cars like to have the newest and the best of the best. In that way, the odds are stacked against you when trying to get a good price for your car. Fortunately, AV Automotive Inc has some steps you can take to ensure you get the most for your car when it’s time to sell. 

  • How to test drive a car, and what to look for

    technician with a wrench working on the engine

    Eventually, the time comes to replace your car, truck, or SUV. Often, you’ll decide to go used to save some money. This can either be a great financial decision, but it takes a little more groundwork to make sure you’re getting a good deal and a reliable vehicle. From researching, to test driving, to inspecting a used vehicle, AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA has a few tips to help you get there.

  • How To Test Your Shocks


    Ride quality is an essential part of your driving experience. At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we strive to keep your car, truck, or SUV as smooth and comfortable to drive as the day it came off the lot. Your shock absorbers play a huge role in ride quality; here’s what you should know.

  • How to use battery cables.

    battery cables

    If you drive a luxury or performance vehicle, you’re an owner of a reliable machine. Still, occasionally problems do arise. On vehicles like these, with so many electronics, a dead battery is a common issue. At AV Automotive Inc we want to keep our customers informed, here’s how to jump-start your vehicle safely. 

  • How Valve Adjustments Can Keep Your Vehicle Going

    valves on a vehicle

    At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA, our main goal is to keep your car, truck, or SUV always performing at its best. Valve adjustments are an integral aspect of that goal.

  • If You Have To Start Your Vehicle More Than Once - Its An Issue

    start button for vehicle

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you know it’s hard to keep everything working perfectly all the time. You have to choose what to give priority to, and what can wait. However, some small problems are indicators that a bigger issue is on the way. At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA, our goal is to keep you and your fleet going.

  • If you see steam, pull over!

    tow truck and guy calling on the phone by side of the road

    Something will go wrong with your car, truck, or SUV eventually. The important thing is knowing what to do, and how to deal with it. Just knowing what to do in a situation often means the difference between a quick repair and thousands of dollars worth of work. If you see steam coming from under the hood, it’s important to deal with it appropriately and quickly. Here’s what’s going on, and what to do, from AV Automotive Inc in Upland, CA.

  • If Your Airbag Light Is On, Have it Taken Care of ASAP

    deployed airbag in car

    At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we believe it’s important for you to know how different systems in your car, truck, or SUV operate. Whether you want to know what to watch out for, or you’re just curious about how things work, we’re here to supply the answers.

  • Importance Of Replacing Your Filters

    air filter

    At AV Automotive Inc in Upland, we see a lot of dirty filters. Oil filters typically get replaced with each oil change, but air, fuel, and cabin filters last a long time. As such, they are often neglected until well after they’ve run their course. Here’s why you should care:

  • Improve Your Fuel Efficiency?

    vehicle driving down the road

    You don’t have to buy a new, fuel-efficient car to get great fuel efficiency. No one wants to trade a fuel bill for a car payment, so take a look at our top 5 ways to save on fuel and you may just be able to pocket a little extra money at the end of the month.

    1. Change Your Driving Style- If you’re the kind of person who enjoys the rush of hard acceleration, typically runs 10 mph over the speed limit and brakes abruptly, we’ve got bad news: you’re hurting your vehicle’s fuel economy, and your wallet, in a big way. Depending on the kind of vehicle you drive and just how extreme you are with the throttle and brake, tempering your driving style can up your vehicle’s fuel economy by more than 5 mpg. That’s a serious bump. Scaling back the speed by just 5 mph means you’ll also see an increase in fuel economy.

  • Jasper
  • Acdelco
  • Air Lift Tow and Haul
  • ASE
  • B&W Trailer Hitches
  • BG Products
  • Cummins Diesel
  • Diamond Eye Performance Exhaust
  • Duramax Diesel
  • Fleet Services
  • Flo Pro Performance Exhaust
  • Flowmaster
  • Goodyear
  • Ford Power Stroke Diesel
  • Hendrickson
  • Magnaflow
  • MACS
  • Mobil Oil
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • RV Repair
  • Tires
  • Wagner
  • Wifi Available

VOW Automotive

1124 W 9th St
Upland, CA 91786
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location small (909) 982-0599
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Weekdays:   8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturdays: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sundays: CLOSED

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